No man, as a single individual or as a community, is the absolute master of the environment, because no man has "created" the world, which is the environment in which he is destined to live and work.
The environment can never be reduced to an "instrument" of the exclusive well-being of a part of humanity, because no man can say of the world "It is all and only mine". The task of man "in the world" is to "save" creation. And, since creation is not a static but a dynamic entity, man's task is to "plan" the future of himself and his environment, so that nature is everyone's "home". The "religious" thinkers have proposed suggestive formulas to express this concept. The formulas of "salvation of creation", "responsibility of creation. But in order not to remain just "words", capable of moving, but not of dragging to concrete action, they need to be translated into the structures of a politics, in which the ethical value is strong. Precisely because the world tends to become a global village, the destinies of peoples intertwine and condition each other. One cannot take care of the "today's" interest of one's own people, without being attentive to the "today" and "tomorrow" interests of other peoples, since the future of us and of others will be born from the intertwining of all these interests.
Cremona, on 12 May 2022 hosted the Swift Festival, an initiative that is part of the actions carried out by the Lombardy Region AreaParchi circuit, in collaboration with the Oglio Sud Regional Park, the Monumenti Vivi association and the Order of Architects of Cremona, which aims to raise awareness of respect for biodiversity in various rural and urban environments. Using the "key" element of the swift, as a species symbol of the coexistence of some animals in the cities, the Festival's main objective was to communicate to those who live in urbanized contexts the existence of some species which, despite the changing landscape and living conditions, continue to live near our houses, in our squares, around our monuments. Hence the need, even on the part of an audience of professionals in the sector, to broaden the gaze by bringing attention to those elements that could allow man to coexist with these animals so important for biodiversity.
Introduction and initial greetings by Andrea Virgilio, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Cremona, by Marta Visone, President of the Order of Architects of Cremona, by Alessandro Bignotti, President of the Oglio Sud Regional Park, and by Maurizio Ori, Architect and Landscape Designer - Italian Association of Landscape Architects. This will be followed by speeches by Gabriele Barucca and Alessandra Chiapparini (Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Cremona Lodi and Mantua), by Mauro Ferri (monumentivivi.it), by Eros Zanotti (Magistri Srl), by Martina Spada (OIKOS Srl ), Bassano Riboni (WWF Cremona) and Guido Pinoli (Monumenti Vivi Lombardia).
The Ferrara International Restoration Exhibition has always been the main meeting place of a world made up of companies, institutions and research that contribute to the protection of history and the enhancement of culture; a moment of exchange and growth of an essential sector for the Italian economic and cultural development. The fair was held from 8 to 10 June 2022. The theme of the fair is: Economy, Conservation, Technologies and Enhancement of Cultural and Environmental Heritage. On this occasion we will present some construction sites where we intervened to protect the swifts. The conference was attended by Mauro Ferri, founder of Monumenti Vivi, Eros Zanotti, Dino Scaravelli, Adjunct Professor of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna, Guido Pinoli, Wildlife Technician and Franco Sacchetti, architect and author of Where the swifts go to sleep ".
With this section we propose a challenge. If you too have biodiversity and swifts at heart, we invite you, as well as support our cause, to build an origami swallow with a few simple steps. Feel free to tag us by posting your swallow on instagram! @magistri_srl