Her full name was: Maria Cristina Beatrice Teresa Barbara Leopolda Clotilde Melchiora Camilla Giulia Margherita Laura Trivulzio. He was born on June 28, 1808 in Milan. His family has been mentioned in history books since just after the year one thousand and with this illustrious surname there have been generals, mayors and illustrious personalities of all kinds.
At the entrance to the Locate di Triulzi (MI) cemetery is the sarcophagus dedicated to Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso. A volume of rectangular section made of inlaid and polished polychrome marble in Roman style depicting a temple, supported by eight hexagonal pillars with capital, four placed at the corners and four in a central position with respect to the fronts of the complex, which, in turn, are supported from a basement with an exposed concrete core placed directly on the gravel ground. The entire sculptural complex has a four-pitched roof, smaller than the sarcophagus below, the corners of which are finished with four acroteria. His pose laughs being off axis, the lack of
symmetry suggests that it is the result of an investigation into the content. On the corners of the sepulchral box there are four hexagonal columns with
capitals carved in acanthus leaf. It has coffered decorations on all fronts that delimit different central decorations, thus acting as a frame. On the short sides you can see the family coats of arms (Trivulzio and Belgiojoso), while on the long sides there are the epitaphs dedicated to the Princess.
In February 2019 the visual survey was carried out on site at close range, with photographic support. From the survey it is clear that the conservation of the sarcophagus is in a state of advanced decay and precarious stability. It is possible to distinguish previous restoration interventions with unsuitable material in the process of disintegration, of which no photographic or written documentation has been received. On the sarcophagus there is a massive diffusion of accumulations of atmospheric particles, carbon monoxide, algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, on a large portion of the roof, body, columns, pillars, base. Its external location and the lack of protection from atmospheric phenomena have certainly contributed to causing the formation of surface deposit, biological patina and rosy chromatic alterations, as well as surface erosion. The lid has undergone displacements over time causing instability, cracks and fractures, having not been repositioned correctly; resulting to be, at present, off axis. Located in the front and central apical part of the lid, an overall fracture equal to almost the entire height of the roof is observed; this resulted in infiltrations inside. The right anterior column is also visibly displaced from its original position, also compromising the iron anchoring of the body of the sarcophagus and the lid which is broken. The base of the sarcophagus is affected by macro and micro detachments of material between the sarcophagus and the pillars which compromise the overall stability of the sarcophagus, putting the safety of the sculpture at risk. In the undercut of the jutting frame of the roof and base, in addition to the degradations described above and uniformly distributed, the formation of some incrustations can also be noted. In the angular jambs of the base there are flaking of the marble and stains due to the action of microorganisms present in the form of biological patina located along the joint grouting between the marble slabs of the lower base. The coats of arms belonging to the Barbiano Di Belgiojoso family and the Trivulzio family also show their biological colonization already mentioned, loss of pieces, flaking, film of substances consistent with each other and extraneous to the stone material as part of the interventions carried out in the past, chromatic degradation of the marble and stains.
The handling of the cover will be carried out before each operation
Accurate mechanical dry brushing of the surfaces in order to remove the incoherent material present. Application of NASIER to remove colonization and biological patinas from the surface.
Execution of preliminary tests related to the cleaning, consolidation and protection intervention phases in order to define the techniques and products for the restoration intervention.
Dry cleaning followed by wet cleaning and removal of additions with the aim of removing material damaged by lack or scarcity of mechanical cohesion.
Reading of the disintegrated or exfoliated parts of limited weight and size by applying ESTEL 100 ethyl silicate.
Re-adhesion of fragments or unsafe parts, of flakes using epoxy resin paste.
Micro-grouting with mortar in cases of exfoliation, micro-fracturing, micro-cracking, flaking, pitting, to prevent or slow down the access of rainwater and / or atmospheric humidity inside the degraded stone.
Surface protective treatment performed with the siloxane-based water-repellent SIOX-5 RE10S SILTEA product, applied by spray or brush after the substrates are completely dry and in operating environments free of dust and strong wind.