The season in which the greatest number of thermal buildings are born or renovated is undoubtedly the period between the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D, when the island was crossed by a strong building fervor. The spas that arose in this period have similar aspects to each other, like the “ring-shaped” path, which allowed you to start from the frigidarium and then return to it without having to retrace your steps.
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To the south of the road is the imposing complex of the "terme a mare", from the 2nd century A.D. Inside the site there was a flight of steps leading to the water collection basins placed on the roof and a latrine with a raised threshold connected to the sewer system. The building was accessed via a staircase leading to the atrium, where the domestic hearth around which family life took place burned. From the atrium you reach the apodyterium, the one that in Roman times served as a changing room for the public baths. From there, passing through the atrium again, one reached the frigidarium with two pools of cold water. On the western side were the heated rooms, which used ovens located in the corridor. These are three rather well preserved rooms: the first is a tepidarium, in fact it communicates with the frigidarium, followed by a calidarium with two adjacent ovens, of which only one is well preserved. In addition to the actual spa rooms there are other rooms, probably used as meeting places or libraries.
The first restoration work carried out after the removal of earth deposits and biological infestations, concerned the cleaning operations, with the aim of highlighting the plaster residues present.
In the second intervention we proceeded with the filling in depth of the gaps
Subsequently, the surface integrations were made with materials with a natural mixture as consistent as possible with the original texture of the floor.