The original layout of the district dates back to the early Punic age, between the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 6th century. BC, today constitutes the oldest archaeological evidence of Nora, in Sardinia.

The remains of the Punic quarter are found under the floor level of the forum, on the eastern side of the peninsula. The northern block is made up of a series of long rectangular rooms, parallel and side by side, of which the basal masonry clogs are preserved. Their main function was that of warehouses for the collection of agricultural commodities, stored on wooden tables inside a special silos dug into the ground. In addition to having the function of warehouse, the site housed structures used as residences and deep wells dug into the rock for the necessary supply of fresh drinking water.
Restoration operations
Dry cleaning of surfaces, surface washing and extraction of soluble salts.
Surface consolidation of stone elements and re-adhesion of the raised plaster flakes.
Cortical consolidation of plastered surfaces.
Integration of deep gaps with stone insertion.
Consolidation of the wall structure with various types of stone elements.
Unlock and sew the wall structure with the insertion of stone wedges, using stones similar to those already present in the work.

during the works